Regional Outdoor Recreation Survey here
2024 Property Tax Collection
Town residents will be receiving property tax bills soon. It would be appreciated if you would mail in the payment but in person payment is available (see calendar below). In person payment is not available outside those times. Dog licenses are to be purchased at the same time that taxes are paid. It is necessary to include the name, breed of the dog and the spay/neuter/intact status with the payment. Intact dogs are charged $13 and spayed/neutered dogs are $8. All dogs 6 months or older must be licensed by law.
Station 6 needs YOU! Our Howard Fire Department needs more volunteers. If you are 16 years of age and older and are interested in learning more about becoming a firefighter, please visit the district website at or call Scott Bernette – Fire Chief at 715-723-5488 or 715-829-4400.
Burning Permit Info here
January 11 Dump Day 9-noon
January 25 Dump Day 9-noon
January 25 Tax Collection 9-noon
January 28 Tax Collection 4-7 p.m.
February 4 Town Board 7:30 p.m.
Did You Know? Elections 101
What is a town caucus? The voters of the town come together at a meeting to nominate people to run for local town offices. Those nominated will appear on the April 1 ballot.
The Town of Howard is now in a new state assembly district. You will be voting in assembly district 68 starting in August.
Absentee Ballots can be requested for a calendar year at and will be mailed to you as soon as they become available. Early in person voting starts 2 weeks before an election.
If you are new to the town or just turning 18 you can save time on election day by registering to vote online at
Electioneering is not allowed at polling places. You may not discuss any candidate or their views within the polling place or within 100 feet of the entrance to the polling place. You may not try to influence the vote of any other elector. If you are wearing clothing or a campaign button promoting a particular candidate you may remain in the polling place only long enough to vote. If you plan to stay and talk to neighbors while wearing these items you must move at least 100 feet from the polling place entrance. The same goes for bumper stickers promoting a candidate. If you forget the rules you can check with the chief inspector. If you engage in electioneering the chief inspector is legally authorized to have you removed from the polling place.